Huge pale lavender-pink finely fringed flowers up to 6" across. Attractive buds. Subtle sweet fragrance. Grey-green leaves. Tall
Hardiness: | Hardy |
Longevity: | Annual |
Growing Condition: | Dry sun |
Season: | Summer |
Good For: | Slug Resistant |
Good For: | Rabbit Resistant |
Good For: | Deer Resistant |
Good For: | Fragrance |
Good For: | Wildlife Friendly |
Good For: | Long Blooming |
Good For: | Dried flower |
Good For: | Cut flower |
Flower Colour: | Lavender |
Foliage Colour: | Grey-green |
Germination: | For biggest plants, sow shallowly in Sept, protect over winter and prick out in early spring. Or sow March under cover. Or sow April outside. Or all three for sequence of bloom |
20 seeds per pack (approx).