Allium cernuum AGM

Lady's Leek

Nodding deep pink small bells clustered at tip of slender stems. Clump-forming hardy bulbs, can be easily divided 12"

Plant Type:Bulb
Growing Condition:Dry sun
Season:Early summer
Good For:Deer Resistant
Good For:Rockery
Good For:Rabbit Resistant
Good For:Slug Resistant
Flower Colour:Pink
Foliage Colour:Green
Germination:Sow in autumn, overwinter outdoors, germinates in spring. Or mix seed with damp vermiculite, keep warm 3 weeks, put in fridge 6 weeks, then sprinkle mix on compost and put in cool light place


Ideally sow and keep warm 3 weeks, then near freezing 6 weeks, then gradually warmer. But just leaving outside or in coldframe over winter for 2-3 months usually does the trick
20 seeds per pack (approx).

Allium cernuum AGM - medium image 1

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Seed Price: £2.50 per pack of 20* Qty: Add to Basket

*Seed numbers are approximate.

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