Thin stems of nodding tiny lockets which change from purplish green to buff, above short grassy leaves. Shivers in the breeze, hence its common name of Quaking Grass. Likes sun and drainage and poorish soil. Will self sow gently, not aggressive like its bigger cousin 20"
Hardiness: | Hardy |
Longevity: | Short lived perennial |
Plant Type: | Grass |
Growing Condition: | Dry sun |
Season: | Early summer |
Season: | Summer |
Season: | Autumn |
Good For: | Cut flower |
Good For: | Slug Resistant |
Good For: | Self-sowing |
Good For: | Seedheads & fruit |
Good For: | Long Blooming |
Good For: | Dried flower |
Flower Colour: | Buff |
Foliage Colour: | Green |
Germination: | Sow in autumn, overwinter outdoors, germinates in spring. Or mix seed with damp vermiculite, keep warm 3 weeks, put in fridge 6 weeks, then sprinkle mix on compost and put in cool light place |
50 seeds per pack (approx).
Plants can ONLY be purchased when visiting the nursery and are subject to availability, so please call or email to check BEFORE travelling.
Seed | Price: £2.50 per pack of 50* | Qty: | Add to Basket | ||
Nursery Plant | Must be purchased direct from the nursery. |
*Seed numbers are approximate.