Like crisp pink Dandelions on grey-green foliage. Needs sun and drainage. Seed rarely available. Never seems to set good seed in UK. This seed is from Liberto Dario in Greece, so should be viable. Needs full sun and very good drainage 10-12"
Hardiness: | Hardy |
Longevity: | Perennial |
Growing Condition: | Dry sun |
Season: | Summer |
Good For: | Wildlife Friendly |
Good For: | Rockery |
Good For: | Long Blooming |
Flower Colour: | Pink |
Foliage Colour: | Grey-green |
Germination: | Sow in spring, thinly and shallowly. Keep warm (60-70oF) till germinates, then cooler |
10 seeds per pack (approx).
Seed | Create Stock Alert | This product is currently out of stock. | |||
Nursery Plant | Must be purchased direct from the nursery. |
*Seed numbers are approximate.