Creamy drooping bells in spring. Black berries in autumn. Very attractive shiny evergreen foliage (may be herbaceous in hard winters) on arching stems. Likes shade and humusy soil. Mulch in winter. Spreads slowly 36"
Hardiness: | Hardy |
Longevity: | Perennial |
Habit: | Evergreen |
Growing Condition: | Damp shade |
Season: | Autumn |
Season: | Summer |
Season: | Early summer |
Season: | Spring |
Good For: | Deer Resistant |
Good For: | Cut flower |
Good For: | Foliage |
Good For: | Seedheads & fruit |
Flower Colour: | Cream |
Foliage Colour: | Green |
Germination: | Sow immediately (best in autumn) overwinter outdoors, germinates in spring. Or mix with damp vermiculite, warm 3 weeks, cold 8 weeks, then sow mixture |
5 seeds per pack (approx).
Seed | Price: £2.50 per pack of 5* | Qty: | Add to Basket | Fresh seed now available - should be sown fresh. |
*Seed numbers are approximate.