Tall slender stems armed with sharp spikes carry clusters of rounded pale flowerheads all along their length. Basal rosette of narrow spiny-edged leaves. Likes good drainage and sun 6ft
Hardiness: | Hardy |
Longevity: | Perennial |
Habit: | Architectural |
Growing Condition: | Dry sun |
Season: | Summer |
Season: | Autumn |
Good For: | Foliage |
Good For: | Deer Resistant |
Good For: | Wildlife Friendly |
Good For: | Cut flower |
Flower Colour: | Cream |
Foliage Colour: | Grey-green |
Germination: | Sow shallowly any time. Keep cool (50-65oF) after sowing, slow but reliable |
20 seeds per pack (approx).