Galatella linosyris

Aster linosyris

Goldilocks Aster

Tight cluster of bright yellow pincushion flowers (daisies without their petals) at tips of narrow stems clothed with narrow leaves. Rare British native. Likes sun and drainage 8" -18"

Growing Condition:Dry sun
Good For:British Native
Good For:Wildlife Friendly
Flower Colour:Yellow
Foliage Colour:Grey-green
Germination:Sow in autumn, overwinter outdoors, germinates in spring. Or mix seed with damp vermiculite, keep warm 3 weeks, put in fridge 6 weeks, then sprinkle mix on compost and put in cool light place


20 seeds per pack (approx).

Galatella linosyris - medium image 1

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Seed Price: £2.50 per pack of 20* Qty: Add to Basket

*Seed numbers are approximate.

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