Pale yellow mallow flowers with a dark eye. Grown primarily for its shiny deep red calyces which are used in Hibiscus Tea. Leaves are also used as a vegetable. Tender perennial, can be grown as an annual but blooms late. Likes sun 4-7ft
Hardiness: | Tender |
Longevity: | Perennial |
Growing Condition: | Conservatory |
Season: | Summer |
Season: | Autumn |
Good For: | Edible |
Good For: | Long Blooming |
Good For: | Seedheads & fruit |
Flower Colour: | Cream |
Foliage Colour: | Green |
Germination: | Sow in spring, thinly and shallowly. Keep warm (60-70oF) till germinates, then cooler |
50 seeds per pack (approx).
Seed | Create Stock Alert | This product is currently out of stock. |
*Seed numbers are approximate.