Compact mound of stiff narrow leaves smothered in white flowers all summer. Often grown as annual but overwinters in mild winters. Likes sun, not too dry. 6" high and 12" wide
Hardiness: | Borderline hardy |
Longevity: | Perennial |
Growing Condition: | Dry sun |
Season: | Early summer |
Season: | Summer |
Season: | Autumn |
Good For: | Long Blooming |
Good For: | Rockery |
Good For: | Wildlife Friendly |
Flower Colour: | White |
Foliage Colour: | Green |
Germination: | Surface sow in spring, cover and keep warm till germinates, then cooler and out of cover immediately |
100 seeds per pack (approx).
Seed | Price: £2.50 per pack of 100* | Qty: | Add to Basket |
*Seed numbers are approximate.