Salvia canariensis

Canary Island Sage

Dense clusters of lilac flowers from showy rose-purple calyces. Downy pale grey-green wrinkled leaves. Prune hard in spring. Needs a dry winter and may then survive down to -8 or -9oC May resprout when killed to ground by a hard winter. Needs sun and very good drainage 5ft

Hardiness:Borderline hardy
Longevity:Short lived perennial
Growing Condition:Dry sun
Good For:Deer Resistant
Good For:Long Blooming
Good For:Rabbit Resistant
Good For:Slug Resistant
Good For:Wildlife Friendly
Good For:Fragrance
Good For:Cut flower
Flower Colour:Purple
Foliage Colour:Grey-green
Germination:Sow in spring, thinly and shallowly. Keep warm (60-70oF) till germinates, then cooler


10 seeds per pack (approx).

Salvia canariensis - medium image 1

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Seed Price: £2.50 per pack of 10* Qty: Add to Basket

*Seed numbers are approximate.

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