Tropaeolum polyphyllum

A hardy tuberous perennial Nasturtium. Pale blue-grey leaves meticulously arranged on long sinuous stems make it worth growing for foliage alone. Pretty lemon yellow flowers erupt from the tip of each stem in June and July. By August it has become dormant and you will see no more of it until next April.

Plant Type:Bulb
Growing Condition:Dry sun
Season:Early summer
Good For:Foliage
Good For:Rockery
Flower Colour:Yellow
Foliage Colour:Blue
Germination:Sow immediately (best in autumn) overwinter outdoors, germinates in spring. Or mix with damp vermiculite, warm 3 weeks, cold 8 weeks, then sow mixture


Sow fresh and it may germinate in a month. Otherwise will need prolonged cold period to break dormancy
3 seeds per pack (approx).


1 bulb per pack.

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Tropaeolum polyphyllum - small image 2 Tropaeolum polyphyllum - small image 3 Tropaeolum polyphyllum - small image 4 Tropaeolum polyphyllum - small image 5

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Bulb   Create Stock Alert This product is currently out of stock.

*Seed numbers are approximate.

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