Vinca rosea

syn. Catharantus roseus

Madagascar Periwinkle

Simple rounded flowers in shades of pink. Glossy green leaves with central white vein. Very floriferous. Can grow as annual. Good for pots, hanging baskets and bedding out. Extracts are important drugs for treating cancer. Tender perennial usually grown as annual

Growing Condition:Dry sun
Season:Early summer
Good For:Long Blooming
Good For:Wildlife Friendly
Flower Colour:Pink
Foliage Colour:Green
Germination:Sow in spring, thinly and shallowly. Keep warm (60-70oF) till germinates, then cooler


50 seeds per pack (approx).

Vinca rosea - medium image 1

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Seed Price: £2.50 per pack of 50* Qty: Add to Basket

*Seed numbers are approximate.

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